Why should I use toners?

You don't really know what they are and yet they're an essential part of any beauty regime: here's a closer look at toners.

What are toners?

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Toners are an added plus to any make up removal and cleansing routine. They remove any remaining traces of make-up, grime and dead skin cells, and further purify the skin. Added plus? They hydrate and brighten the complexion!
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What are they made from?

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Each toner has specific ingredients depending on whether it is for oily, dry or combination skin. They're usually of plant origin - iris, rose, borage, chamomile , aloe vera, sage, mint and rosemary are some of the ingredients you can find in toners - hence their individual properties. Rose is revitalising, for example, while aloe vera is softening and borage is an emollient. A good, effective toner should also have antioxidant, soothing and hydrating ingredients too. Toners that contain more than 95% pesticide-free ingredients are considered to be organic.
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Which one should you choose?

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As with all beauty products, toners should be chosen according to your skin type. This is important, as if you apply a toner to dry skin that's designed for oily skin, you'll only end up irritating your epidermis. So take your time to select the most suitable one. A replenishing toner will help with dry skin and fine lines, while a toner with pore-reducing properties will help those with oily or combination skin. In fact, using a toner to close up pores can help to protect your skin from the daily pollutants we all face.
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How do I apply a toner?

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Toners are applied using a cotton pad, after cleansing and before applying a moisturiser. They should be used morning and night, and make sure you apply the toner all the way over the face and neck. Use as many cotton pads as it takes to remove any dirt. For a quicker route to toned and cleansed skin, there are products that combine cleansers with toners, for a speedy, one-stop solution.      sage, mint and rosemary are some of the ingredients you can find in toners - hence their individual properties. Rose is revitalising, for example, while aloe vera is softening and borage is an emollient. A good, effective toner should also have antioxidant, soothing and hydrating ingredients too. Toners that contain more than 95% pesticide-free ingredients are considered to be organic.  Which one should you choose?   As with all beauty products, toners should be chosen according to your skin type. This is important, as if you apply a toner to dry skin that's designed for oily skin, you'll only end up irritating your epidermis. So take your time to select the most suitable one. A replenishing toner will help with dry skin and fine lines, while a toner with pore-reducing properties will help those with oily or combination skin. In fact, using a toner to close up pores can help to protect your skin from the daily pollutants we all face.  How do I apply a toner?   Toners are applied using a cotton pad, after cleansing and before applying a moisturiser. They should be used morning and night, and make sure you apply the toner all the way over the face and neck. Use as many cotton pads as it takes to remove any dirt. For a quicker route to toned and cleansed skin, there are products that combine cleansers with toners, for a speedy, one-stop solution.
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